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    Waterfront Annex (CLP Power Engineering Laboratory)

    Waterfront Annex is an extension campus of IVE (Haking Wong) converted from a ship building workshop of Marine Engineering into an electrical installation workshop in 2003. CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP) has generously sponsored to support the establishment of a new power engineering laboratory which is housed with innovative technologies and advanced training facilities to nurture a new generation of power engineering talent, equipping them with smart power grid and high voltage know-how to propel and support the transformation of Hong Kong into a low-carbon smart city.

    The laboratory, which was officially unveiled on 1 April 2021, is named “CLP Power Engineering Laboratory” to appreciate CLP's generous contribution. The new laboratory consists of two main sections: a Smart Grid Operation Centre and a High Voltage Training Centre. With these new facilities in place, IVE students studying the Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Professional Certificate in High Voltage Engineering or Professional Diploma in Power Engineering co-organised by VTC and CLP Power Academy, will further benefit from the structured and well-recognised power engineering training.


    The Waterfront Annex is equipped with the following teaching facilities:

    High Voltage Training Centre

    The energy sector has a high demand for people conversant with high voltage power engineering expertise. In the past, only few utility companies could provide their staff with a full-range on-the-job training in the field. Hence, the High Voltage Training Centre has been established to provide trade practitioners with various related programmes, ranging from Diploma up to Professional Diploma (PD)/ Professional Certificate (PC), for practical training in high-voltage engineering.

    Those who have completed the PD/PC programmes and fulfilled related requirements are eligible to apply for the Grade H Registered Electrical Worker qualification for serving in the high voltage engineering industry. The training centre is equipped with six 11 kV switchboards of different technologies and power transformers to form two ring circuits interconnected with the remote control and monitoring systems that provide students with real learning environment for practising high voltage engineering works, e.g., operation, testing & commissioning, fault diagnosis, etc. in accordance with the safety rules.

    Smart Grid Operation Centre

    The Smart Grid Operation Centre within the Lab is equipped with a real-time smart grid simulation and testing system that mirrors real-life community power supply and analyses the data. Students will learn how smart grids operate and explore solutions for enhancing energy efficiency. The centre is also stocked with equipment, such as smart meters and photovoltaic panels that can be looped into the simulator. For example, using the simulation and positioning system, students will be able to test how the solar energy generated by photovoltaic panels can be best integrated into the smart grid system. Through these wide-ranging installations and systems, students will learn to apply the latest industry technologies. This will enrich their knowledge of smart grids and relevant new technologies, thereby raising their employability and helping to promote a smart development ofclean energy.

    Low-voltage Training Workshop

    The Low-voltage Training Workshop is equipped with low-voltage training switchboards, motor testing benches, and practising walls for the installation of electrical services. The workshop can provide extensive practical training to the pre-employment students and other adult-learners in a real working environment for practising the works of inspection, operations, trouble-shooting, maintenance, testing and commissioning on the low-voltage switchboards, and control of circuit boards in compliance with the prevailing industrial safety standards, code of practice and government regulations.

    In Hong Kong, the workshop is one of the training sites, which is able to offer the EMSD’s approved programmes in low-voltage electrical engineering for meeting the requirements of registration as Registered Electrical Worker (REW) of Grades “A” or “B” under the Electricity (Registration) Regulations.

    Keystone Cable Detection Training Center

    The area outside the Waterfront Annex is the Keystone Cable Detection Testing Center which has installed underground more than 40 cables, one Towngas pipe and one water pipe. Students can learn to locate these underground cables and pipes by using some testing instruments.

    Nowadays in Hong Kong, the EMSD has accredited three underground cable detection courses and one of these courses is delivered at this training center. Apart from teaching full time students the skills of underground cable detection, IVE (HW) also organizes short courses on underground cable detection, which are open to the public.