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    Overview Counselling service Student Financial Assistance Facilities SWPD Programme
    Student Development Projects Contact us

    Individual Counselling Service


    Our professional Counsellors are ready to provide counseling, guidance and advice to students to enhance their psychological well-being as well as abilities in handling problems. Students are welcome to talk with Counsellors on any topics like:

    • - Personal Growth / Adjustment
    • - Interpersonal / Social Relationship
    • - Stress & Mental Health
    • - Study
    • - Finance
    • - Family
    • - Emotion
    • - Love & Courtship

    Career Counselling Service


    Various testing inventories are utilized by counselors to enhance students’ self-understanding on their career path.

    Career Clinic & Career Booster are conducted on an individual or group basis for the topics which include personality understanding, market trends, interviewing skills, aptitude, interests & career preferences.


    Personal Growth and Developmental Activities


    SDO also cares about students’ personal growth and development besides individual & career counseling services. Programs and counseling services are organized to equip students with necessary life skills and enhance their personal effectiveness. With necessary life-skills, students are able to become more confident and competent in handling challenges and changes in lives.



    Physical Education Activities


    Short P.E. Courses


    Yoga, physical fitness, swimming, snorkeling, canoeing and various ball games such as tennis, badminton, table tennis, squash, golf and bowling, etc.


    Sports Competition


    • VTC Sports Teams to join USFHK Competitions;
    • Ball games competitions in IVE(CW);
    • VTC Athletic Meet;
    • IVE(CW) Sports Teams to join Inter-Campus Ball Games Competition (ICBG)



    The Hong Kong Award for Young People (HKAYP)


    Participants who complete 4 challenges in Service, Skills, Expeditions and Physical Recreation will achieve a high acceptability award.